Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting over Workout Fears

This is somthing that I had to do. When we first joined the Gym, I was hard for me, because I was the only one that seemed to look like a beached whale, and you would think that I was committing a "murder" by wanting to walk in the pool, vs actually swimming.

Needless to say, it didn't last long. Tried it again, and same thing. I had a tread mill at home and an exercise bike, but they got more use as a clothes hanger then their intended use.

When my husband and I made the committment, we went to another branch of the same Gym, one that would allow some of our standard weekend activities. To my surprise, more then 1/2 the people there were "not at the top of the physical fittness chain", there would actually be more walkers in the pool then swimmers. People are more encouraging, willing to help.

It truly has made a difference in overcoming those work out fears.

We still time from time go to the other location because it works better in our plans for the day and yes I believe I'm still the heaviest person there, but it does not upset me and I realise that I don't care what they think. Truth be told "I think some of them can use some of my shedded poundage :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

STUCK . . . .

Seems that I've been stuck bouncing aroung between that 258 and 259 mark for the past couple of weeks. . . I was starting to get a little depressed until my Husband and one of my "Life Style Change buddies" put things back in focus for me.

I've been exercising a lot more then what I have been, so as David mentioned I'm building muscle, and muscle weighs more then fat. Then he pointed out that "he" can see the difference and not to worry about what the scale says. . . . then he commented remember the "scale is not your friend" which is why you only weigh once a week.

I have to admit working out this weekend really felt good and I found myself actually looking forward to the work out.

Hmmm, 6 months ago I never would have said that.

Now my life style change buddy reminded me that I've have several very stressful weeks in a row, between work and some testing that my Dad was going through. So she was impressed that I had not gained weight.

So I'm pleased and once again in a positive frame of mind. Having my circle of "Change of Life Style Buddies" has been essential in moving forward. As each of us hits our little road blocks, stress, travel, family, work , a week or two without progress we're there to help each other through this.

We're bound and determined to do this the right way, because it WILL BE a LIFETIME change!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Carry On, Brown Baggers!
Denise Austin Morning Stretch . . .

Personally I eat at the office quite a bit, and keeping variety is important, because I find that I can get bored easily with eating the same thing day after day. . . so here is a great option . . . from the Densie Austin Website

I'm all for brown-bagging lunches; it's getting it together in the morning that's a challenge. I'd always rather have the girls — and my husband, too — eat something nutritious that I've prepared myself than leave them to buy food that isn't as fresh and tasty as mine. Here's my solution: a quick-to-make, absolutely delicious wrap; you can make the chutney sauce the night before and spend just a few minutes in the morning assembling them. Super easy!

If you happen to be making a roast chicken dinner, consider making a second chicken and saving some of the meat for this terrific wrap. Or use some rotisserie chicken from the market, or even some sliced smoked turkey breast. And if you don't have any chutney in the fridge, treat yourself to a jar of this popular condiment — I like Major Grey's chutney (it's a type, not a brand). The mango and pear flavors are great additions when you're looking to jazz up a chicken dinner.

Chutney Chicken Wrap
2 tablespoons chutney 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise 4 low-fat tortillas (8-inch diameter) 4 large red-lettuce leaves 2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast, or 8 ounces sliced smoked turkey breast 1 cup finely shredded carrots

Mix the chutney and mayonnaise in a small bowl. If you have time, cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes for the flavors to develop.
Spread a scant 1 1/2 tablespoons of the chutney mixture on each tortilla. Top each with a lettuce leaf, 1/2 cup chicken or 2 ounces turkey, and 1/4 cup carrots. Roll the wraps tightly and cut in half diagonally.

Makes 4 wraps
Per wrap: 269 calories, 30g carbohydrates,
23g protein, 6g total fat, 53mg cholesterol, 2g dietary fiber, 471mg sodium

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Only 300 Calories

WOW, in catching up on my reading this weekend, I read in several different places that walking the 10,000 steps is great for your health. I've talked about it several times on the blog.

I see the difference it's making, and how baggy the legs on my pants are getting, and how many times I can actually exceed the 10,000 steps. Especially since just a few short weeks ago, I thought that 10,000 steps was something that could not be easily accomplished.

But I'm surprised to realize that it only burns 300 calories, given the results, I would have expected more then those.

But when you stop and think about it, that with the reduced calories that I'm eating in my "Life Style Change" 300 is definately an increased percentage of the calories that I'm now taking in.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Rebounders . . .

I have a rebounder, that I purchased last year, and believe I've used twice. Why you may ask, after just a few minutes on the rebounder I thought that my legs were going to fall off.

One of the forums that I belong to had a thread started about "Rebounders" and if we're using them. One of the posts was about a 48 day Rebounder Challenge.

The start off the first day with 5 minutes, then seem to add two minutes daily. I'm going to start today. My legs are already sore from some serious walking that I did Wednesday this week at the Houston Oil Tool Show for work.

I beileve that I might actually be able to handle the rebounder better, since I've been doing so well with increasing my walking doing the Day to Day Activities.

Want to check out the 48 Day Rebounder Challenge . . . here's the link! ... challenge/

I'll keep you posted on how it goes.