Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting over Workout Fears

This is somthing that I had to do. When we first joined the Gym, I was hard for me, because I was the only one that seemed to look like a beached whale, and you would think that I was committing a "murder" by wanting to walk in the pool, vs actually swimming.

Needless to say, it didn't last long. Tried it again, and same thing. I had a tread mill at home and an exercise bike, but they got more use as a clothes hanger then their intended use.

When my husband and I made the committment, we went to another branch of the same Gym, one that would allow some of our standard weekend activities. To my surprise, more then 1/2 the people there were "not at the top of the physical fittness chain", there would actually be more walkers in the pool then swimmers. People are more encouraging, willing to help.

It truly has made a difference in overcoming those work out fears.

We still time from time go to the other location because it works better in our plans for the day and yes I believe I'm still the heaviest person there, but it does not upset me and I realise that I don't care what they think. Truth be told "I think some of them can use some of my shedded poundage :)

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